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Dans une encyclopedie britanique 1850 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Apr 15, 2008 at 10:01 PM

A la page du Puy en Velay de l'encyclopedie britannique


on trouve l'article ci-dessous concernant la vierge et Monseigneur de Morlhon :


Père de Ravignan, in 1846, and the Abbé Combalot, in 1850, were inspired with the idea of a great monument to the Blessed Virgin on the Rocher Corneille. Napoleon III placed at the disposal of Bishop Morlhon 213 pieces of artillery taken by Pélissier at Sebastopol, and the colossal statue of "Notre-Dame de France" cast from the iron of these guns, amounting in weight to 150,000 kilogrammes, or more than 330,000 lbs. avoirdupois, was dedicated 12 September, 1860.

Last Updated ( Jun 02, 2008 at 12:03 PM )
The name of MORLHON come from Rouergue (now Aveyron) in France.

It appears at the beginning of the first millenium.
It is shared by a small town and a family